All intermediaries and ancillary intermediaries apply for registration on the Register of Intermediaries and for registration in the category or categories of intermediary in which they operate. To this end, they must compile a file showing that they meet the conditions for access to the activities in question. The content of this file is set by order of the Minister for the Economy.
For the intermediaries mentioned and intermediaries on an ancillary basis in the categories mentioned in 2°, 3° and 4° of I of article R. 511-2, the registration formalities prescribed in the previous paragraph may be completed by the natural person or legal entity that has given them a mandate. For intermediaries and agents of intermediaries in the categories mentioned in 1° and 4° of the same article, these formalities may be completed by the association mentioned in I of article L. 513-3 to which they belong.
The same intermediary or secondary intermediary may not have more than one registration number.