I. – The contract concluded for the recruitment of a student on a future teacher’s job specifies the establishment or school in which the student will carry out his or her duties, the duration of the contract, the average weekly working time and the arrangements for varying this over the course of the school year.
The contract also includes an undertaking by the student to follow the university course in which he or she is enrolled and to sit one of the competitive examinations for the recruitment of primary or secondary school teachers organised by the State.
II – The average weekly working time is set by joint order of the Minister for National Education and the Minister for Agricultural Education, up to a limit of half the time set in article L. 3121-27.
The same order determines the criteria for varying the length of the working week in order to take into account, in particular, the university training calendar and the time required to prepare for and sit the competitive examination, as well as the organisation of working hours at the school or educational establishment where the student works.