The applications referred to in article R. 6122-28, with the exception of the renewal applications referred to in the third paragraph of article L. 6122-10, may only be received during periods and in accordance with timetables determined by order of the Director General of the Regional Health Agency, published in the Recueil des actes administratifs de la préfecture de région.
When applications for authorisation or renewal of authorisation relate to a healthcare activity mentioned in Article R. 6122-25 or to a piece of heavy equipment mentioned in Article R. 6122-26, which is the subject of an inter-regional health plan provided for in Article R. 1434-10, the Directors General of the Regional Health Agencies which have drawn up this plan may determine these periods and timetables by joint order, published in the Recueil des actes administratifs of the Prefecture of each of the regions included in the inter-regional health plan.
These periods, which may not be less than two or more than three per calendar year, must last at least two months. They may be common to several healthcare activities and vary according to the nature of the operations. From the date of their closure, and provided that the application is complete, the six-month period provided for in the last paragraph of article L. 6122-9 begins to run.