It helps to organise the care pathway for people suffering from, or at risk of, mental health problems or loss of autonomy, in conjunction with general practitioners, the medico-social and social sector and regional coordination support mechanisms.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Six: Health facilities and services | Book I: Health establishments | Title II: Sanitary equipment | Chapter III: Conditions for setting up certain healthcare activities and heavy equipment | Section 18: Psychiatry | Subsection 1: Adult psychiatry | Article R6123-187 of the French Public Health Code
It helps to organise the care pathway for people suffering from, or at risk of, mental health problems or loss of autonomy, in conjunction with general practitioners, the medico-social and social sector and regional coordination support mechanisms.
Il contribue à l’organisation du parcours de soins des personnes en situation ou à risque de handicap psychique ou de perte d’autonomie, en lien avec la médecine de ville, le secteur médico-social et social et les dispositifs d’appui à la coordination territoriale.
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