After Article R. 713-6, the following article is inserted:
“The ballot box vote provided for in Article 16 of Order no. 2005-43 of 20 January 2005 is organised for the election of members of the Mayotte Chamber of Commerce and Industry under the following conditions:
“I. The electoral roll commission provided for in article 15 of Order no. 2005-43 of 20 January 2005 shall have the electoral cards drawn up by the Prefect and shall give them to the mayors, who shall send them to the voters no later than in the third week prior to the date of the ballot. Voter cards that have not been returned to their holders are forwarded by the mayor to the polling station, where they remain available to the voter until polling day. An order of the prefect sets the format, wording and printing procedures for electoral cards.
” II. A voter may give a proxy to another voter registered in the same professional category and sub-category, if any.
” The proxy shall state the identity of the principal and the proxy as well as the category, and professional sub-category, if any, of each of them.
” Each elector may hold only one proxy. If several proxies are drawn up in the name of the same elector, the one sent to him or her first shall alone be valid.
” Articles L. 71, L. 72, L. 74 to L. 77, the first, second, third and fourth paragraphs of article R. 73, the first paragraph of article R. 74, the first and second paragraphs of article R. 75, the third, fourth and fifth paragraphs of article R. 76, articles R. 78 and R. 79 of the Electoral Code apply to proxy voting.
“III.-The representative of the State in Mayotte fixes the seat and opening hours of the polling stations.
” The polling stations shall consist of the mayor or his delegate, who shall be chairman, and two municipal councillors or, failing that, consular electors whom he shall designate.
” If a voter is unable to present his or her electoral card at the polling station, he or she is authorised to vote on the basis of the electoral roll by producing one of the identity documents provided for in article R. 60 of the Electoral Code.
“IV.-The votes are counted on polling day itself.
” Any ballot paper other than the model validated under the conditions provided for in Article R. 713-13, any ballot paper bearing a number of names greater than the number of seats to be filled in the professional category or, where applicable, sub-category concerned and any ballot paper tainted by one of the irregularities mentioned in Article L. 66 of the Electoral Code shall be invalid.
“Only votes in favour of declared candidates are taken into account.
” V.-After the count, the president of the polling station draws up the minutes of the electoral operations and submits them within twenty-four hours to the electoral operations commission provided for in Article R. 713-13.
“VI.-As an exception to the provisions of the second paragraph of article R. 713-27, the commission has a period of four days following that of the ballot to declare the results. “