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Article R300 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

Article R. 75 shall read as follows: “Art. R. 75.-When a court has handed down a decision against a French national that entails the deprivation of electoral rights, the court clerk shall draw up on a special form, and irrespective of the age and sex of the convicted person, a copy of the record of the criminal record that he shall send to the competent administrative authority, specifying, for each…

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Article R301 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

The first paragraph of Article R. 76 reads as follows: “Bulletin No. 1 is requested from the registry of the court of first instance of the place of birth or, in accordance with the second paragraph of Article R. 62, from the automated national criminal record department, by letter, telegram, fax or teletransmission, indicating the civil status of the person whose bulletin is requested and specifying the requesting judicial authority….

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Article R302 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

Article R. 77 shall read as follows: “Art. R. 77.-Before drawing up bulletin no. 1 for a natural person, the clerk of the court of first instance shall check the civil status of the person concerned; if the result of the examination of the civil status registers is negative, he shall enter in the body of the bulletin, to the exclusion of any other mention, the indication “no applicable birth…

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Article R303 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

I.-The first sentence of Article R. 77-1 shall read as follows: “Before drawing up bulletin no. 1 for a legal entity, the clerk of the court of first instance shall check that the legal entity is registered in the company identification register. “ II.-The second paragraph of article R. 77-1 is worded as follows: “If the legal entity is not registered, the clerk of the court of first instance shall…

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Article R304 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

I.-10° of Article R. 79 is worded as follows: “10° Aux conseils de l’ordre des médecins, des chirurgiens-dentistes et des sages-femmes saisis de demandes d’inscription au tableau ou de poursuites disciplinaires;” II.-Le 14° de l’article R. 79 est rédigé comme suit: “14° Aux institutions mentionnées à l’article L. 351-2 du code du travail applicable en métropole;” III.-Le 19° de l’article R. 79 est rédigé comme suit: “19° To public hospital…

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Article R305 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

The first paragraph of Article R. 80 reads as follows: “Bulletin No. 2 is requested from the registry of the court of first instance or, in accordance with the second paragraph of Article R. 62, from the automated national criminal record department, by letter, telegram, fax or teletransmission, indicating the civil status of the person whose bulletin is requested, the status of the requesting authority and the reason for the…

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Article R306 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

Article R. 82 shall read as follows: “Art. R. 82.-The bulletin no. 3 may only be requested by the person it concerns or their legal representative in the case of a minor or an adult under guardianship. “The request, which must specify the civil status of the person concerned, may be made by letter or secure electronic means. “Bulletin no. 3 may also be obtained if the person it concerns…

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Article R307 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

Article R. 83 shall read as follows: “Art. R. 83.-Before issuing the requested bulletin no. 3, the court clerk shall check the civil status of the person concerned; if he or she does not discover an applicable birth record in the civil status registers, he or she shall refuse to issue the bulletin and shall inform the public prosecutor. “In the event that, for whatever reason, the authority issuing bulletin…

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Article R308 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

Article R. 88 is worded as follows: “Art. R. 88.-The clerk of the court of first instance of the place of birth for natural persons or, in accordance with the second paragraph of article R. 62, the automated national criminal records department is notified, by the public prosecutor or the public prosecutor, of arrest warrants and judgments or rulings handing down custodial sentences, in contradictory proceedings or in absentia, which…

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