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Article L4311-22 of the French Public Health Code

A nurse who is a national of a Member State of the European Union or of another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, who is established and legally practises the activities of a nurse responsible for general care in a Member State or State party, may perform professional acts in France, on a temporary and occasional basis, without having to go through the formalities provided for…

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Article L4311-23 of the French Public Health Code

Nurses registered on the list referred to in article L. 4311-15 may wear the respective badge in accordance with the model drawn up by the Minister for Health, the use of which is exclusively reserved for them. They are also issued with a professional card, the model for which is also drawn up by the Minister for Health.

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Article L4311-26 of the French Public Health Code

Any employer who is obliged to dismiss, revoke or suspend the activity of a nurse or employed nurse whose professional practice exposes patients to serious danger shall inform the Director General of the regional health agency and the State representative in the department without delay. In urgent cases, where a nurse’s continued practice exposes patients to serious danger, the Director General of the Regional Health Agency shall immediately suspend the…

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Article L4311-27 of the French Public Health Code

When it is motivated by infirmity or a pathological condition, the suspension of the right to practise pronounced in application of article L. 4311-26 may not have the effect of depriving the salaried nurse of his or her remuneration until the final decision has been pronounced.

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Article L4311-29 of the French Public Health Code

The following shall be determined by decree of the Conseil d’Etat: 1° Where necessary, the professional rules ; 2° The composition and functioning of the commission mentioned in article L. 4311-4 and the conditions under which the person concerned is subject to a compensation measure; 3° The procedures for verifying the professional qualifications referred to in article L. 4311-22 ; 4° The procedures for applying the obligation to transmit the…

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