Article R211-2 of the French Insurance Code
In addition to the civil liability of the persons mentioned in this article, the contracts provided for in article L. 211-1 must cover the civil liability of the owner of the vehicle.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Insurance Code | Regulatory part | Book II: Compulsory insurance | Title I: Insurance of land motor vehicles and their trailers and semi-trailers | Chapter I: The obligation to insure. | Section II: Scope of the insurance obligation.
In addition to the civil liability of the persons mentioned in this article, the contracts provided for in article L. 211-1 must cover the civil liability of the owner of the vehicle.
Professionals involved in the repair, sale or inspection of motor vehicles are obliged to take out insurance to cover their own liability, the liability of persons working on their premises, the liability of persons having custody of or driving the vehicle, even if they have not been authorised to do so, and the liability of passengers. This obligation applies to the civil liability that the persons mentioned in the previous…
The contracts provided for in article L. 211-1 must specify the characteristics of trailers whose addition to a land motor vehicle does not constitute, within the meaning of articles L. 113-4 and L. 113-9, an increase in the risk covered by the contract insuring that vehicle.
When a road train, as defined in article R. 311-1 of the French Highway Code, is involved in a road traffic accident, the injured party may bring a direct action against either the insurer of the towing vehicle or the insurer of the trailer. The insurer against whom the action is brought must cover the liability of the articulated vehicle as a whole towards the injured party, on whose behalf…
The insurance obligation applies to compensation for personal injury or damage to property resulting from : 1° Accidents, fires or explosions caused by the vehicle, the accessories and products used in its operation, and the objects and substances it carries; 2° The fall of these accessories, objects, substances or products.
The insurance must be taken out for an unlimited sum in respect of personal injury and for a sum at least equal to that set by order of the Minister for the Economy, which may not be less than €1 million, per claim and whatever the number of victims, in respect of damage to property.
Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, the obligation to insure does not apply to compensation for : 1° Damage suffered : a) by the person driving the vehicle ; b) (repealed) ; c) (repealed) ; d) by an employee or a person working for an employer, as a result of an accident at work. However, this exclusion does not include cover for additional compensation, as provided for in Article L. 455-1-1 of…
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