Article L2334-15 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
The purpose of the urban solidarity and social cohesion grant is to help improve living conditions in urban municipalities faced with insufficient resources and high costs. .
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Legislative part | PART TWO: THE MUNICIPALITY | BOOK III: MUNICIPAL FINANCES | TITLE III: REVENUE | CHAPTER IV : Grants and other revenue allocated by the Local Finance Committee | Section 1: Overall operating grant | Subsection 3: Development grant. | Paragraph 2: Urban solidarity and social cohesion grant.
The purpose of the urban solidarity and social cohesion grant is to help improve living conditions in urban municipalities faced with insufficient resources and high costs. .
Benefit from the allocation provided for in article L. 2334-15 : 1° The first two-thirds of municipalities with 10,000 inhabitants or more, classified, each year, according to a synthetic index of resources and charges defined in article L. 2334-17; 2° The first tenth of municipalities with a population of between 5,000 and 9,999 inhabitants, classified each year according to a synthetic index of resources and charges defined in Article L….
The synthetic index of resources and charges mentioned in article L. 2334-16 for municipalities with 10,000 inhabitants or more is made up of: 1° The ratio between the per capita financial potential of municipalities with 10,000 inhabitants or more and the per capita financial potential of the municipality, as defined in article L. 2334-4 ; 2° The ratio between the proportion of social housing in the total number of dwellings…
The provisions of article L. 2334-17 apply for the calculation of the synthetic index of resources and charges for municipalities with 5,000 to 9,999 inhabitants, subject to the substitution of the national averages recorded for these municipalities for those recorded for municipalities with 10,000 inhabitants or more. The municipalities are ranked according to the decreasing value of their synthetic index.
The allocation for each eligible municipality is equal to its population multiplied by the value of the index allocated to it. This product is weighted by the tax effort up to a limit of 1.3 and by a coefficient varying uniformly from 4 to 0.5 in ascending order of the ranking of eligible communes. To determine the allocation due to eligible municipalities, two additional multiplying coefficients are applied to the…
When a commune ceases to be eligible for the allocation, it receives, as a non-renewable guarantee, an allocation equal to half of that which it received the previous year. When a commune ceases to be eligible for the endowment as a result of its population falling below the minimum threshold set in 2° of article L. 2334-16, it receives, as a guarantee for the following nine financial years, an allocation…
The increase in the allocation, after distribution of the allocations calculated in application of articles L. 2334-16 to L. 2334-18-3, is divided between the two demographic categories in proportion to their population in the total of beneficiary municipalities. The increase is divided between the beneficiary municipalities under the conditions set out in the first two paragraphs of article L. 2334-18-2. Communes that were not eligible for the allocation in the…
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