Article R4534-50 of the French Labour Code
In shafts deeper than twenty-five metres, the winches used to transport workers are powered mechanically.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book V: Prevention of risks associated with certain activities or operations | Title III: Building and civil engineering | Chapter IV: Technical protection requirements during the works | Section 5: Underground work. | Page 2
In shafts deeper than twenty-five metres, the winches used to transport workers are powered mechanically.
As long as there are workers in an underground gallery or at the bottom of a shaft, the presence of a worker is required at all times to operate the winch. When the depth of a shaft exceeds six metres, a hand-operated winch must be operated by at least two workers.
Shafts in which ladders are used for descent, rest landings of sufficient size to accommodate at least two workers are set up no more than six metres apart. The flights may be vertical. Fixed handholds are placed at each landing to allow easy access.
When a gallery is cut through ground where there is a risk of sudden and significant water ingress, the gallery must have exits enabling workers to be evacuated quickly. Failing this, appropriate measures, such as the installation of a sufficient number of raised niches, must be implemented. When a shaft is sunk in ground similar to that mentioned in the first paragraph, escape ladders are installed from the bottom of…
In underground galleries where there are railway tracks, in the absence of a free space of 55 centimetres measured between the most protruding part of the rolling stock and the most protruding parts of the gallery walls, a safety recess of sufficient size to simultaneously shelter two workers and at least 60 centimetres deep shall be provided as work progresses and at intervals of not more than 10 metres. If…
Shaft and gallery openings with an incline of more than 45° are suitably marked at night.
Openings or differences in level in the floor of a gallery, narrow passages, lowered vaults and any obstacles which may present a danger or hindrance to the movement of workers, vehicles or convoys are suitably indicated by appropriate means, such as position lights or reflective devices of equivalent effectiveness. In the absence of sufficient lighting, warning devices are provided, such as dangling chains and wires, flexible brushes, the contact of…
In the absence of sufficient lighting in galleries where vehicles or convoys are in use, workstations are indicated by highly visible lights and vehicles or convoys are fitted with: 1° A white light at the front; 2° A red light at the rear, or a reflective device of the same colour or of equivalent effectiveness.
Except in galleries with sufficient fixed lighting, vehicles are fitted with a headlamp capable of illuminating a distance at least equal to the stopping distance of the vehicle or convoy.
Where underground sites are lit electrically, workers are provided with emergency lighting to be used in the event of a power cut for the time required to evacuate the site.
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