Article A712-20 of the French Commercial code
No amending budget may be adopted after the adoption of the initial budget for the following financial year or, in any event, after the end of the financial year.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Commercial code | Orders section | BOOK VII: Commercial jurisdictions and the organisation of commerce. | TITLE I: The network of Chambers of Commerce and Industry. | Chapter II: Administration of establishments in the network of chambers of commerce and industry | Page 2
No amending budget may be adopted after the adoption of the initial budget for the following financial year or, in any event, after the end of the financial year.
The initial budgets, any amending budgets and the executed budgets are sent or made available, for approval, to the supervisory authority within fifteen days of their adoption by the general meeting, according to practical procedures defined in agreement with the supervisory authority concerned. Each public establishment in the network sends its executed budget, within the same timeframe, to the department responsible for overseeing the chambers of commerce and industry, in…
The supervisory authority may refuse to approve any budget that does not take into account the methods for distributing funding decided by CCI France or, for the budgets of territorial chambers of commerce and industry, the funding amounts provided by the regional chamber of commerce and industry to which they are attached. In the event of refusal of approval, the establishment must adopt and transmit a budget within two months…
In order to individualise certain activities, in particular economic activities, the budgets and accounts are divided into main budget departments, themselves grouping together secondary departments and sub-departments, where applicable, in accordance with the procedures specified in an intervention standard provided for in 2° of Article L. 711-16. .
The opening of a main budget department entitled “Support and representation of businesses and territories” is compulsory. In addition, the main budget departments “Training-Employment” and “Facilities Management” are opened as long as they correspond to a significant activity of the establishment.
An intervention standard, provided for in 2° of Article L. 711-16, specifies the documents making up the various budgets and accounts.
The restrictive nature of the appropriations voted is assessed at the level of each service, whether it is a main service, a secondary service or a sub-service. Within each of these services, the principle of asymmetrical fungibility of appropriations may be applied, where appropriate. However, any transfer of appropriations in favour of staff expenditure shall be the subject of an amending budget voted by the General Meeting. Among revenue, only…
No later than the meeting following its installation, the general meeting of each public institution shall elect from among its members a finance committee, the composition and powers of which shall be specified in an intervention standard provided for under 2° of Article L. 711-16. .
The CCI France intervention standard relating to combined accounts and consolidated accounts is binding on related entities included in the scope of the combining or consolidating CCI. Failure by the entities concerned to comply with their obligations may lead to the suspension of the payment of contributions or any other form of support by the combining or consolidating entity.
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