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Article L5442-6 of the French Public Health Code

In the event of a conviction for infringement of the conditions governing advertising of veterinary medicinal products, the court may prohibit the sale of the product irregularly advertised. The penalties laid down for breaches of the conditions governing advertising of veterinary medicinal products shall apply to persons benefiting from irregular advertising and to agents disseminating such advertising.

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Article L5442-9 of the French Public Health Code

The following is punishable by two years’ imprisonment and a fine of 30,000 euros for the legal representative of a group referred to in article L. 5143-6 : 1° Purchasing, holding or supplying veterinary medicinal products to members of the group without the group having been approved for this purpose by the administrative authority; 2° Purchasing, holding or supplying veterinary medicinal products containing substances that are subject to special obligat…

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Article L5442-10 of the French Public Health Code

I.-The following offences are punishable by two years’ imprisonment and a fine of 150,000 euros: 1° Any person prescribing veterinary medicinal products or medicated feedstuffs to animals for which they do not personally provide care or whose health surveillance and regular monitoring are not entrusted to them, or without writing a prescription in the cases and in accordance with the procedures set out in articles L. 5143-5 and L. 5143-6,…

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Article L5442-11 of the French Public Health Code

The following is punishable by three years’ imprisonment and a fine of €45,000: 1° Directly administering to an animal a veterinary medicinal product intended for the manufacture of medicated feedingstuffs in breach of Article 5(2)(d) of Regulation (EU) 2019/4 of 11 December 2018; 2° Delivering a veterinary medicinal product intended for the manufacture of medicated feedingstuffs to a person other than a manufacturer of medicated feedingstuffs or an intermediate product…

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Article L5442-12 of the French Public Health Code

I.-A fine of €37,500 is imposed on the companies mentioned in Article L. 5142-1 for offering or providing benefits, in kind or in cash, to the professionals mentioned in Article L. 5143-2, the groups mentioned in Article L. 5143-6, the professionals mentioned in Article L. 235-1 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code and practising on-farm mixing within the meaning of Regulation (EU) 2019/4 of 11 December 2018 or the…

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Article L5442-14 of the French Public Health Code

The manufacture, distribution, advertising, offer for sale, sale, import and export of falsified medicinal products defined in article L. 5111-3 for veterinary use are punishable by five years’ imprisonment and a fine of €375,000. These penalties are increased to seven years’ imprisonment and a fine of €750,000 when: 1° The falsified medicinal product is dangerous to animal or human health or to the environment; 2° The offences provided for in…

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Article L5442-15 of the French Public Health Code

I.-The administrative authority may, as long as the public prosecution has not been initiated and after having obtained the agreement of the public prosecutor, compromise on the prosecution of contraventions and offences provided for and punished by this chapter and the texts taken for their application. II.- This option does not apply to offences punishable by a prison sentence of three years or more and to offences of the first…

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