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Article R2331-1 of the French Public procurement code

Purchasers may make known their intention to award a defence or security contract through the publication of a prior information notice.This notice shall be drawn up in accordance with the model set out in the European Commission Regulation establishing standard forms for the publication of notices in the framework of procurement procedures.

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Article R2331-2 of the French Public procurement code

The prior information notice may be: 1° Either sent for publication to the Publications Office of the European Union; 2° Or published by the purchaser on its buyer profile mentioned in article R. 2332-3. The purchaser then sends the Publications Office of the European Union a notice announcing this publication. The date of this dispatch is mentioned on the prior information notice published on the buyer profile. The prior information…

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Article R2331-3 of the French Public procurement code

For supply or service contracts, the prior information notice shall indicate the estimated total value of the requirement, for each of the categories of homogeneous products or services that the purchaser intends to award during the twelve months following publication of the notice.

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Article R2331-8 of the French Public procurement code

For contracts awarded in accordance with one of the formalised procedures listed in articles R. 2324-2 to R. 2324-4, the purchaser shall publish a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union drawn up in accordance with the model set out in the European Commission Regulation establishing standard forms for the publication of notices in the framework of the award of contracts.

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Article R2331-9 of the French Public procurement code

The purchaser may publish an additional advertisement on a medium other than that chosen as the principal medium under the conditions laid down by order of the Minister responsible for the economy appended to this code.The additional advertisement may include only some of the information contained in the contract notice published as the principal notice, provided that it indicates the references of that notice.

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