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Article R522-24-1 of the French Commercial code

The platform manager who keeps the register referred to in Article L. 522-37-1 establishes the rules for the operation of this register and the conditions for the issue of storage receipts by general shop operators. In compliance with the provisions of the first, second and third paragraphs of Article L. 522-37-2, these rules specify in particular: 1° The persons who may be authorised by the platform manager to consult the…

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Article R522-24-2 of the French Commercial code

In accordance with the provisions of Article L. 522-37-1, the operating rules for the register provided for in the previous article set out the information to be sent by general shops to the platform manager to enable the latter to check its accuracy. This manager shall ensure, by means of documentary or on-site checks, that these general warehouses have an organisation and procedures enabling the identity of holders of storage…

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Article R522-24-4 of the French Commercial code

In support of his request to the platform manager for entry in the register of the pledge of goods represented by a warehouse receipt, the creditor shall provide the following information: 1° Designation of the pledgor and the creditor: a) In the case of a natural person: surname, first names, date and place of birth, place of residence and, where applicable, his unique identification number supplemented, where applicable, by the…

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Article R522-24-6 of the French Commercial code

A request for the amendment or deletion of a registered pledge shall be sent to the platform manager by the creditor or grantor in accordance with the operating rules of the register. The original of the deed amending the pledge is sent to the platform manager. The amending entry is accompanied by the number of the initial entry in the register and a reference to the date on which it…

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Article R522-24-7 of the French Commercial code

To consult the information site accessible online provided for in the third paragraph of Article L. 522-37-4, the applicant shall provide the following information: 1° On the constituent: a) If the constituent is a natural person who is a trader : his surname, forenames, date and place of birth and unique identification number supplemented, where applicable, by the words RCS followed by the name of the town where the registry…

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Article R522-24-9 of the French Commercial code

The platform manager shall reject applications for registration, modification or deregistration that do not meet the conditions set out in Articles R. 522-24-4 et R. 522-24-6. The rejection specifies the reason for the refusal. The applicant is notified of the rejection decision by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by delivery against receipt. It shall indicate the time limit and procedures for appealing against this decision.

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Article R522-24-10 of the French Commercial code

I.-An appeal against a decision to refuse registration, modification or deletion shall be lodged with the president of the commercial court within whose jurisdiction the operator of the platform that refused registration is established. The appeal shall be lodged by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt addressed to the registry of that court within fifteen days of its notification. This appeal must be made by registered letter with acknowledgement of…

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