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Article L4021-1 of the French Public Health Code

The aim of continuing professional development is to maintain and update knowledge and skills and to improve practices. It is an obligation for healthcare professionals. Over a period of three years, all healthcare professionals must provide evidence of their commitment to continuing professional development, which includes ongoing training, analysis, evaluation and improvement of their practices and risk management. Commitment to an accreditation scheme is equivalent to commitment to a continuing…

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Article L4021-2 of the French Public Health Code

An order of the ministers responsible for health and social security, and of the minister for defence in the case of professionals in the armed forces health service, defines the priority multiannual guidelines for continuing professional development. These guidelines include: 1° Guidelines defined by profession or speciality on the basis of proposals from the national professional councils or, in the absence of national professional councils, from representatives of the profession…

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Article L4021-3 of the French Public Health Code

For each profession or speciality, the national professional councils propose a multi-annual programme of continuing professional development to enable each professional to fulfil his or her obligation. This pathway includes, in particular, actions in line with the priorities defined in article L. 4021-2. Each professional chooses which actions to enrol in. In the case of salaried professionals, this choice is made in conjunction with the employer. All of the actions…

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Article L4021-5 of the French Public Health Code

Continuing professional development is carried out in compliance with the rules of organisation and management specific to the different sectors of activity of health professionals, in particular by employers or by the bodies mentioned in articles L. 6331-1 and L. 6332-9 of the Labour Code and in II of article 16 of order no. 2005-406 of 2 May 2005 simplifying the legal regime of health establishments. The monitoring of compliance…

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Article L4021-6 of the French Public Health Code

The National Agency for Continuing Professional Development is responsible for steering and contributing to the financial management of the continuing professional development scheme for all healthcare professionals, regardless of their status or the conditions under which they practise. It monitors the system. To this end, it may request any documents necessary for this control. This control is carried out without prejudice to the control provided for in the second sentence…

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Article L4021-7 of the French Public Health Code

A decree of the Conseil d’Etat shall define the conditions under which : 1° Organisations or structures may present actions or programmes in line with the guidelines defined in article L. 4021-2 ; 2° The actions or programmes mentioned in 1° of this article are evaluated before being made available to healthcare professionals; 3° The National Agency for Continuing Professional Development contributes to the financial management of programmes and actions…

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Article L4021-8 of the French Public Health Code

All claims due in respect of continuing professional development are time-barred in favour of the continuing professional development management body, and subsequently the National Agency for Continuing Professional Development, if they have not been the subject of a request for payment within a period of two years from the date on which the rights were acquired. The limitation period provided for in the first paragraph shall apply to claims due…

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