Article 211-142 of the French Cinema and Moving Image Code
A committee is responsible for examining applications for pre-production support submitted for a director’s first feature-length film. It has seven members, including two co-chairmen.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Cinema and Moving Image Code | Appendix: GENERAL RULES FOR FINANCIAL AID FROM THE CENTRE NATIONAL DU CINÉMA ET DE L'IMAGE ANIMÉE | Book II: SUPPORT FOR CINEMA CREATION AND THEATRE DISTRIBUTION | Title I: FINANCIAL AID FOR THE CREATION OF LONG-LIFE CINEMATOGRAPHIC WORKS | Chapter I: Financial aid for the production and preparation of feature films | Section 3: Selective financial aid | Subsection 7: Advisory committees | Paragraph 1: Pre-implementation and post-implementation aid committees
A committee is responsible for examining applications for pre-production support submitted for a director’s first feature-length film. It has seven members, including two co-chairmen.
A committee is responsible for examining applications for pre-production support for a director’s second or third feature film. It has seven members, including two co-chairmen.
A commission is responsible for examining applications for pre-production aid other than those mentioned in articles 211-142 and 211-143. It is made up of seven members, including two co-presidents. .
A committee is responsible for examining applications for post-completion grants. It has thirteen members, including two co-chairmen.
Each committee is co-chaired by the same number of members.
Committee members are appointed for a renewable term of one year. Their term of office begins on 1 January of each year.
At each committee meeting, the co-chairmen shall decide which of them shall have the casting vote in the event of a tie.If one of the co-chairmen is absent, he shall be replaced by another member of the committee concerned, whether a full member or an alternate. The co-chairman present at the meeting has the casting vote in the event of a tie.
I.-1° The reading committees responsible for selecting projects concerning a director’s first feature-length cinematographic work are made up of the co-presidents of the committee provided for in article 211-142, one other member of this committee, whether full or alternate, and two readers chosen from a list drawn up by the Chairman of the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée; 2° The reading committees responsible for selecting projects for…
The agenda for the meetings and, for the reading committees referred to in 1° of I of Article 211-149, the choice of readers for each committee, are set by the committee secretariat.
The costing committee responsible for proposing the amount of aid is made up of one of the co-chairmen of each commission. For each project, the co-chair of the relevant committee has the casting vote in the event of a tie.Representatives of the President of the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée attend the costing committee.
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