The aid provided for in the multi-year agreement is paid for a period of sixty months from the creation of the job, for periods during which the job is actually filled by a person fulfilling the conditions set out in Article L. 5134-1.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book I: Measures to promote employment | Title III: Aid for integration, access and return to employment | Chapter IV: Assisted employment contracts | Section 1: Youth Employment Contract | Subsection 4: Financial assistance and exemptions | Article D5134-8 of the French Labour Code
The aid provided for in the multi-year agreement is paid for a period of sixty months from the creation of the job, for periods during which the job is actually filled by a person fulfilling the conditions set out in Article L. 5134-1.
L’aide prévue par la convention pluriannuelle est versée pendant une durée de soixante mois à compter de la création du poste de travail, pour les périodes pendant lesquelles le poste est effectivement occupé par une personne remplissant les conditions prévues à l’article L. 5134-1.
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