The management costs of the regional interprofessional joint committee are made up of :
1° Administrative management costs relating to the instruction and monitoring of professional transition projects, projects mentioned in 2° of II of article L. 5422-1 and the organisation of validation sessions for the certification relating to the professional knowledge and skills base mentioned in I of article D. 6113-30 ;
2° Management costs relating to the task of monitoring the implementation of vocational development advice in the region;
3° Reimbursement of travel, accommodation and catering expenses incurred by persons who sit on the organisation’s management bodies;
4° The cost of informing employees about professional transition projects, certification relating to the professional knowledge and skills base referred to in I of article D. 6113-30, the projects referred to in 2° of II of article L. 5422-1 and information about the organisations providing professional development advice;
5° Costs incurred in ensuring the quality of the training provided, in particular those relating to the analysis of employment, skills and qualification needs in the region.
The costs relating to the instruction, management and monitoring of the professional retraining projects provided for in 4° of the I of article L. 4163-7 and the actions financed by the endowment of the investment fund for the prevention of professional wear and tear mentioned inarticle L. 221-1-5 of the Social Security Code are specifically covered by the endowments mentioned in article D. 6123-26-1 and based on the amounts used by the commissions.
The terms and conditions and the amount of these payments are defined by order of the ministers responsible for social security and vocational training.