The decrees mentioned in article L. 1311-1 may be supplemented by orders issued by the representative of the State in the département or by orders issued by the mayor in order to lay down special provisions for the protection of public health in the département or municipality.
For breaches of the orders mentioned in the first paragraph, public proceedings are extinguished by payment of a fixed fine, which does not apply to repeat offences. However, the fixed fine procedure is not applicable if several offences, at least one of which cannot give rise to a fixed fine, have been recorded simultaneously or if the law provides that a repeat offence constitutes a misdemeanour. The amount of the fixed fine may be paid either to the ticketing officer when the offence is recorded, or to the service indicated in the notice of offence, within forty-five days of the offence being recorded or, if the notice is subsequently sent to the person concerned, within forty-five days of it being sent.