The administrative authority may, by means of a reasoned order, prohibit any person whose continued activity constitutes a danger to the health and physical or moral safety of the participants, temporarily or permanently, from performing all or some of the functions mentioned in articles L. 212-1, L. 223-1 or L. 322-7 or from working with minors in the physical activity and sports establishments mentioned in article L. 322-1.
The administrative authority may, in the same way, enjoin any person practising in disregard of the provisions of I of article L. 212-1 and articles L. 212-2 and L. 322-7 to cease his activity within a specified period.
This order is issued after consultation with a commission comprising representatives of the State, the sporting movement and the various categories of interested parties. However, in an emergency, the administrative authority may, without consulting the committee, impose a temporary ban on practice limited to six months. If the person concerned is the subject of criminal proceedings, the temporary ban on working with minors applies until a final decision has been handed down by the competent court.
A decree in the Conseil d’Etat shall lay down the conditions for the application of this article.