Without prejudice to the provisions of article L. 221-12, a trader who contacts a consumer by telephone with a view to concluding a contract for the sale of goods or the provision of a service shall indicate at the beginning of the conversation, in a clear, precise and comprehensible manner, his identity, where applicable the identity of the person on whose behalf he is making the call and the commercial nature of the call. The trader shall also inform the consumer that he may register free of charge on the telephone cold calling opposition list provided for in article L. 223-1 if he does not wish to be the subject of commercial prospecting by this means.
Following canvassing by telephone, the trader shall send the consumer, on paper or on a durable medium, confirmation of the offer he has made and containing all the information provided for in article L. 221-5.
The consumer is not bound by this offer until he has signed and accepted it on a durable medium.