When there is a professional agreement made compulsory on the basis of article L. 132-25-1 of the Intellectual Property Code, providing in particular for the definition of the production cost of an audiovisual work belonging to the genres of fiction, animation, creative documentary or audiovisual adaptation of a live performance, the methods for its depreciation and net revenue, the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée may carry out or have carried out by an independent expert an audit of the operating account drawn up by the line producer in application of this agreement.
The line producer shall send the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée or the independent expert all the documents or items required to carry out the audit.
The Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée sends the draft audit report to the line producer, who submits his comments. The final audit report is sent to the line producer and to the authors listed in article L. 113-7 of the same code.