Any dispute concerning the compliance of the charter with the provisions of this Title, or concerning the approval or refusal of approval, shall fall within the jurisdiction of the judicial court whose seat and jurisdiction shall be determined by decree, to the exclusion of any other contentious or administrative appeal. The appeal must be lodged, on pain of inadmissibility, by the platform, before the expiry of a period of two months from notification of the decision to approve the charter or, by the employee, before the expiry of a period of two months from the date on which this decision was brought to his attention by any means conferring a date certain.
The court to which the matter is referred shall give its decision within four months. If, at the end of this period, it has not given a ruling or if an appeal is lodged, the dispute is referred to the Court of Appeal.
Where, in a dispute falling within the jurisdiction of the industrial tribunal, a serious difficulty is raised relating to the approval of the charter on which the resolution of the dispute depends, the industrial tribunal initially seised shall stay the proceedings and refer the matter to the court designated by the decree referred to in the first paragraph.