A natural person holding a commercial court registry may not employ more than two salaried commercial court registrars. A legal entity holding a commercial court registry may not employ a number of salaried commercial court registrars greater than twice that of the associated commercial court registrars practising there.
Under no circumstances may the employment contract of the salaried commercial court registrar infringe the code of ethics issued by decree in the Conseil d’Etat and the professional rules for commercial court registrars. Notwithstanding any clause in the employment contract, an employed commercial court clerk may refuse his employer to carry out an assignment where it appears to him to be contrary to his conscience or likely to affect his independence.
A decree in the Conseil d’Etat shall set the terms and conditions for the application of this article, and in particular the rules applicable to the settlement of disputes arising during the performance of an employment contract after mediation by the President of the Conseil national des greffiers des tribunaux de commerce, those relating to the dismissal of the salaried commercial court clerk and the conditions under which the salaried commercial court clerk’s duties as a public officer may be terminated.