In order to carry out its missions, the Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail may in particular:
1° Acquire the necessary movable and immovable property;
2° Allocate, from its own budget, grants, loans free of charge or against payment or advances to public or private persons carrying out studies, research, work, equipment or works contributing to the fulfilment of its missions;
3° Enter into agreements or participate in public interest groupings with any public or private person, French or foreign, and in particular with educational and research establishments which have missions complementary to its own or which provide it with assistance.
The Agency uses its own resources or enlists the help of persons with whom it enters into agreements for this purpose, in particular the bodies in the network mentioned in article R. 1313-1.
The laboratories of the State departments responsible for food safety control and those attached to them are made available to the Agency, as necessary, for the performance of its tasks.