When it has not been possible to allocate the share of all the départements in a region in the overall allocation between the départements in that region under the conditions set out in the third paragraph of article L. 3334-16, the distribution is made in accordance with the terms below.
The regional prefect chooses, from the list drawn up in application of IV of article 13 of law no. 83-663 of 22 July 1983 relating to the division of powers between the communes, départements, regions and the State, construction or extension projects whose completion he deems necessary for the normal operation of the public education service. It allocates the corresponding credits to the départements responsible for these operations.
The amount of these credits is equal, for each operation, to the product of the estimated cost (excluding taxes) of the operation multiplied by a coefficient representing the share of the financing that is not borne by the commune or group of communes concerned, calculated on the basis of the actual average rate of participation of the communes defined in the second paragraph of article 15-1 of the aforementioned law no. 83-663 of 22 July 1983.
The remainder is distributed as follows:
1° 40%, in proportion to the total developed surface area of school buildings;
2° 25%, in proportion to the total developed surface area of school buildings built before 1973;
3° 5%, in proportion to the surface area of mobile classrooms;
4° 30%, in proportion to the number of pupils in public collèges.