Sont transférés à la collectivité de Corse, en application du deuxième alinéa de l’article L. 4422-43 :
1° The departments or parts of departments responsible, within the regional directorate of equipment and the departmental directorates of equipment:
a) Programming tasks, studies, financial monitoring, accounting, contracts, land acquisitions, litigation, relating to national roads;
b) Programming tasks, studies, financial monitoring, accounting, contracts, litigation, relating to the conduct of operations for the construction of higher education establishments;
c) Extension, development, maintenance and management tasks for the commercial and fishing ports of Ajaccio and Bastia;
d) The tasks of extending, developing, maintaining and managing the airfields of Ajaccio, Bastia, Figari and Calvi;
2° The parts of the services of the regional directorate of cultural affairs responsible for conservation work on historic monuments not belonging to the State, the conservation and development of archaeological sites, the heritage inventory, cultural actions as defined in the fourth paragraph of II of article L. 4424-7, as well as the parts of the general and financial affairs office of the same directorate corresponding to these missions;
3° The parts of the services of the regional directorate of agriculture and the departmental directorates of agriculture and forestry in charge of the competences transferred to the Corsican hydraulic equipment office and the Corsican agricultural and rural development office;
4° The parts of the services in charge within the departmental directorates of agriculture and forestry:
a) Responsibilities for the creation and management of fishing reserves and hunting reserves;
b) Responsibilities for water pricing;
5° The parts of the services of the rectorate of the academy responsible for:
a) Programming tasks, studies, financial monitoring, accounting, contracts, litigation, relating to the construction of higher education establishments;
b) Enrolment forecasts;
c) Relations with local public education establishments for the preparation of the provisional training plan as well as monitoring the implementation of resources allocated by the State;
6° The parts of the services of the regional directorate and departmental directorates of youth and sports responsible for:
a) Actions to promote physical and sporting activities;
b) Popular education;
c) Youth information actions;
d) Examining applications for subsidies under the regional part of the National Fund for the Development of Sport ;
7° The decentralised department responsible for tourism in Corsica, the parts of the departments of the prefectures of Corse-du-Sud and Haute-Corse and the departmental directorates for competition, consumption and fraud control involved in examining applications for tourist classification;
8° The parts of the departments of the regional directorate for the environment responsible for tasks relating to nature reserves, voluntary nature reserves, the listing of sites ;
9° The parts of the departments of the Rhône-Alpes regional directorate for the environment, regional directorate for the environment of the Rhône-Méditerranée basin, responsible for the management of water resources in Corsica and the preparation and approval of the Corsican water development and management schemes and the Corsican water development and management master plan.