The following is punishable by a fifth-class fine:
1° Failure to mention in contracts, in breach of Article L. 4532-12, the obligation to participate in an inter-company safety, health and working conditions committee;
2° Failure to set up an inter-company safety, health and working conditions committee, in breach of Article R. 4532-77, an inter-company college for safety, health and working conditions;
3° Not having attached to the documents in the consultation file sent to companies, or to the contracts or agreements concluded with them, in disregard of article R. 4532-91, the draft rules of the college;
4° Failing to ensure, in disregard of article R. 4532-94, that minutes of college meetings are sent to the social and economic committee if there are companies or establishments working on the site.
Repeated offences are punishable in accordance with articles 132-11 and 132-15 of the French Penal Code.