The contract is signed no later than one month after the diagnosis is carried out, on behalf of the State, by the legal representative of the local mission or any employee duly authorised by him/her and by the beneficiary of the support.
It sets out:
1° The phases of the pathway, their objectives and their duration, as defined by the beneficiary and the advisor in charge;
2° The commitments made by each party to the contract for each phase. In the case of the beneficiary, these commitments include active participation in the various actions planned as part of the support phases, as well as the sincerity and accuracy of the information provided, particularly with regard to article R. 5131-8 ;
3° Where applicable, the allocation of an allowance and the amount thereof.
The first phase of the programme begins no later than one month after the contract is signed.
The contract may be modified on the basis of the assessments referred to in article R. 5131-11 or changes in the young person’s situation.