The agreement concluded with an intermediary association includes in particular :
1° A presentation of the structure’s integration project specifying :
a) The general characteristics of the structure ;
b) The main characteristics of the people in difficulty hired;
c) The support arrangements for the people taken on and the employees on integration schemes, as well as the arrangements for collaboration with, on the one hand, Pôle emploi and, on the other hand, the organisations responsible for the social and professional integration of these people, as well as, where applicable, a reference to the holding of a label issued by a third-party certifier attesting to the quality of the intermediary association’s integration project;
d) Where applicable, a reference to the existence of another agreement with a structure for integration through economic activity;
e) Whether the structure’s economic and social project is in line with the local environment and the existing integration offer;
f) The area in which the association proposes to operate;
2° Presentation of the staff, material and financial resources mobilised to :
a) Carry out the administrative tasks and accounting obligations arising from the association’s activity;
b) Implement the structure’s integration project;
c) Maintain a permanent presence for at least three days a week to welcome people and receive offers of work;
3° The number of integration posts giving entitlement to the financial assistance provided for in article R. 5132-23 ;
4° The integration commitments made by the structure and the indicators designed to report on actions and results;
5° The conditions of cooperation envisaged with the institution mentioned in article L. 5312-1 in order to promote the integration into employment of the people monitored by the association, as well as the procedures for submitting job offers to this institution;
6° The nature and amount of other direct public or private aid received by the organisation in previous years;
7° The procedures for monitoring, checking and evaluating the agreement.