Pursuant to Article L. 5132-9, the following conditions must be met:
1° The threshold stipulated in 1° of the aforementioned article is 16 hours;
2° The total duration stipulated in 2° of the same article is 480 hours.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book I: Measures to promote employment | Title III: Aid for integration, access and return to employment | Chapter II: Integration through economic activity | Section 2: Intermediary associations | Subsection 2: Cooperation agreements and secondments | Article R5132-18 of the French Labour Code
Pursuant to Article L. 5132-9, the following conditions must be met:
1° The threshold stipulated in 1° of the aforementioned article is 16 hours;
2° The total duration stipulated in 2° of the same article is 480 hours.
En application de l’article L. 5132-9, les conditions suivantes doivent être respectées :
1° Le seuil prévu au 1° de l’article précité est de 16 heures ;
2° La durée totale mentionnée au 2° de ce même article est de 480 heures.
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