Unemployed young people aged between sixteen and twenty-five and disabled people aged under thirty who are unemployed on the date the contract is signed and who :
1° Either do not hold any qualifications from the initial training system ;
2° Hold only a vocational diploma or qualification registered in the national register of vocational qualifications provided for in article L. 335-6 of the Education Code and classified at level V of the interministerial nomenclature of training levels referred to in article R. 335-13 of the Education Code, and have been looking for work for at least six months over the previous twelve months. At the discretion of the bodies mentioned in 1° and 2° of article L. 5134-19-1, this period may be less than six months if this is justified by the training pathway of the persons concerned, their local prospects of access to employment with regard to their qualifications or particular social difficulties;
3° Or, exceptionally, if they live in a sensitive urban area, a rural regeneration area or an overseas department, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin or Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, have completed at most the first cycle of higher education and have spent at least twelve months looking for work over the last eighteen months. At the discretion of the bodies mentioned in 1° and 2° of article L. 5134-19-1, this period may be less than twelve months if this is justified by the training pathway of the persons concerned, their local prospects of access to employment with regard to their qualifications or particular social difficulties.