I.-Each year, the Regional Committee for Employment, Training and Vocational Guidance is consulted on the regional guidance plan referred to in article R. 5134-162 and, where applicable, on the results of future employment for the previous year.
II – The draft regional policy plan referred to in article R. 5134-162 is drawn up by the Regional Prefect, after consultation with the President of the Regional Council. It is submitted to the Regional Committee for Employment, Training and Vocational Guidance for its opinion and, prior to its adoption, is published in electronic form on the regional prefecture website. The departmental councils, municipalities, Pôle emploi, the local missions for the professional and social integration of young people mentioned in article L. 5314-1 and the regional chamber for the social economy may make their opinion known to the regional prefect within one month of this publication.
III – At the end of the consultation procedure defined in II, the regional Prefect publishes the regional outline plan in the Recueil des actes administratifs of the regional Prefecture.