The approval of a training insurance fund for non-salaried employees may be withdrawn, after a reasoned formal notice, if the legal provisions applicable to training insurance funds or the specific conditions set out in the approval decision are not complied with, or if the training insurance fund has repeated malfunctions or failures that have not been overcome by the appointment of a provisional administrator on the basis of article R. 6332-5.
Approval may also be withdrawn, after prior notification of the fund concerned, if the amount of annual funds collected for transfer to the training insurance fund does not reach the threshold stipulated in the second paragraph of article R. 6332-70 for two consecutive years.
The training insurance fund has a period of two months from receipt of the formal notice referred to in the first paragraph or the prior information referred to in the second paragraph to present its written and, where appropriate, oral observations, as well as any corrective measures envisaged.
In the light of the response from the training insurance fund or, in the absence of a response, on expiry of the two-month period referred to in the previous paragraph, the Minister responsible for vocational training may withdraw approval by means of an order specifying the effective date of the withdrawal. This decree is notified to the fund by any means capable of establishing a date of receipt and is published in the Journal officiel de la République française.