The Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée will ensure that the beneficiaries of financial aid comply with their obligations towards the bodies responsible for collecting the social security contributions mentioned below and, where applicable, will note any non-compliance, in particular by means of the following certificates:
1° A certificate of payment, issued by the body designated to collect the social security contributions of legal or contractual origin mentioned inarticle L. 213-1 of the Social Security Code;
2° A certificate of payment, issued by the regional mutual insurance fund, of the compulsory sickness and maternity insurance contribution;
3° A certificate of payment, issued by the competent basic bodies, of the contributions to the compulsory old age and disability insurance schemes managed by the autonomous organisations;
4° A certificate of payment, issued by the relevant paid leave funds, of the statutory contributions paid to the funds responsible for paid leave and unemployment insurance;
5° A certificate of payment, issued by Pôle emploi, of compulsory unemployment insurance and wage guarantee fund contributions;
6° A certificate of payment, issued by the Service interprofessionnel de santé au travail centre médical de la Bourse (SIST CMB), of the compulsory occupational health service membership fee;
7° A certificate of payment, issued by the Assurance formation des activités du spectacle (AFDAS), of the compulsory contribution for the financing of continuing professional training;
8° A certificate of payment, issued by Audiens, of the compulsory supplementary pension contributions.