Enforcement of the sentencing decision shall be refused in the following cases:
1° The certificate is not produced, is incomplete or manifestly does not correspond to the sentencing decision and has not been completed or corrected within the time limit set;
2° The sentenced person is neither in France nor in the sentencing State;
3° The conditions laid down in Article 728-11 are not fulfilled;
4° The conviction relates to offences for which the convicted person has already been finally judged by the French courts or by the courts of a State other than the convicting State, provided that the sentence has been enforced, is in the process of being enforced or can no longer be enforced under the law of the convicting State;
5° The conviction is based on acts that do not constitute offences under French law;
6° The convicted person enjoys immunity in France that prevents the sentence from being enforced;
7° The convicted person did not appear in person at the trial that led to the decision, except in the cases referred to in 1° to 3° of Article 695-22-1;
8° The sentence is time-barred under French law on the date of receipt of the certificate;
9° The conviction was handed down to a minor who was thirteen years old on the date of the events;
10° The sentence imposed includes a psychiatric or medical care measure or another custodial security measure that cannot be carried out under the rules of the French legal or healthcare system;
11° It is established that the person has been convicted because of his or her sex, race, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, language, political opinions or sexual orientation or identity, or that this person’s situation may be prejudiced for one of these reasons.
The ground for refusal provided for in 5° may not be invoked where the conviction relates to a tax, customs or exchange offence, on the grounds that French law does not impose the same type of tax or does not contain the same type of tax, customs or exchange regulation as the law of the convicting State.