Model for the spouse’s agreement in the event of the allocation of common assets by a sole trader with limited liability
I, the undersigned (surname and first name, date and place of birth, domicile),
spouse of Mr./Mme (delete as appropriate) (surname and first name of the sole trader with limited liability) , under a matrimonial regime providing for community of property between spouses,
declare, in accordance with article L. 526-11 of the French Commercial Code:
– give my agreement to the allocation by M./Mme (delete as appropriate) (surname and first name of the sole trader with limited liability , sole trader with limited liability practising under the name EIRL (to be completed), of the following joint asset(s) to his professional activity :
(list the common asset(s) affected)
– have been informed that the creditors against whom the declaration of assignment may be enforced and whose rights have arisen in connection with the exercise of the professional activity to which a patrimony comprising the above-mentioned common asset(s) is affected have as their sole general pledge the patrimony affected;
– having been informed that a single common asset may only be included in the composition of a single affected patrimony.
Done at
Signature of spouse