Reminder of the regulations: a medical certificate issued less than three months before the date on which the application is submitted is required for anyone holding a national water safety and rescue certificate.
I, the undersigned, doctor of medicine, hereby certify that I have examined Mr… today and found that… has no apparent contraindication to swimming and lifesaving and to supervising users of bathing establishments open to the public.
This person has never had a loss of consciousness or an epileptic seizure and, in particular, has a normal aptitude for physical effort, hearing acuity enabling him/her to hear a normal channel at 5 metres, and visual acuity in accordance with the requirements set out below:
A on
Without correction:
Visual acuity of 4/10, calculated by adding together the visual acuity of each eye measured separately.
i.e. at least: 3/10 + 1/10 or 2/10 + 2/10.
Special case:
In the case of an amblyopic eye, the required criterion is 4/10 + less than 1/10.
With correction:
– either a correction resulting in a visual acuity of 10/10 for one eye, whatever the value of the other corrected eye (greater than 1/10);
– or a correction resulting in a visual acuity of 13/10 for the sum of the visual acuities of each corrected eye, with one eye at least at 8/10.