Industrial tribunal members are reimbursed for the travel expenses they incur in carrying out the activities listed in article R. 1423-55 under the conditions laid down by decree no. 2006-781 of 3 July 2006 setting the conditions and procedures for payment of expenses incurred by the temporary travel of State civil servants. The seat of the industrial tribunal is deemed to be the administrative residence.
By way of derogation, the transport costs of industrial tribunal members, mentioned in 5° of article R. 1423-51, with the exception of g, h, i and j of article R. 1423-55, between the seat of the industrial tribunal and their home or usual place of work, are reimbursed if they cover a distance of more than five kilometres and do not exceed the distance separating the seat of the industrial tribunal from the furthest commune within the jurisdiction of the neighbouring industrial tribunal(s).