Approval issued by the Prefect or, when their head office is in Paris, by the Police Prefect to the supporters’ associations referred to in articles L. 224-3, L. 332-15, L. 332-16 and L. 332-17 may be granted to supporters’ associations meeting the following conditions:
1° They must have adopted articles of association containing provisions guaranteeing:
-their democratic operation, the transparency of their management and equal access for women and men to their governing bodies ;
freedom of opinion and the prohibition of discrimination of any kind whatsoever; – the promotion of the values of sport and the protection of human rights;
-the promotion of sporting values and the smooth running of sporting events and competitions;
2° They must ensure that their members adopt an attitude in their supporter activities that complies with the principles and statutory provisions set out above;
3° They must provide evidence of links with the sports association, the sports company, the sports federation or the professional league of the discipline they support. Where applicable, they may provide evidence of links with an approved national supporters’ association for the sport they support.