With regard to updates that are not necessary to maintain the conformity of the goods, the seller shall comply with the following conditions:
1° The contract authorises the principle of such updates and provides a valid reason for them;
2° The seller informs the consumer, in a clear and comprehensible manner, reasonably in advance and on a durable medium, of the planned update, specifying the date on which it will take place;
3° The update is carried out at no additional cost to the consumer;
4° The seller informs the consumer that he has the right to refuse the update or, where appropriate, to uninstall it, if the update has a negative impact on his access to or use of the digital content or service.
In the latter case, the consumer is entitled to rescind the contract at no cost within a maximum period of thirty days, unless the update has only a minor impact on him. However, the consumer may not rescind the contract if the seller has offered to keep the digital content or service unchanged, including by uninstalling the update, and if the digital content or service remains compliant under the conditions set out in this section.
When the consumer exercises his right to rescind the contract, the provisions of articles L. 217-16 and L. 217-17 apply.
This article does not apply in the case of a grouped offer within the meaning of article L. 224-42-2.