I.-Prior to the conclusion of a contract, providers of publicly available electronic communications services shall communicate to consumers, insofar as it concerns a service they provide:
1° The information mentioned in articles L. 111-1, L. 221-5 and, where applicable, L. 221-8 and L. 221-11 ;
2° The information mentioned in article L. 224-27-1.
This information shall be communicated in a clear and comprehensible manner on a durable medium or, where it is not possible to communicate this information on such a medium, in an easily downloadable document made available by the supplier. The supplier expressly draws the consumer’s attention to the availability of this document and the importance of downloading it for documentation purposes, future reference or identical reproduction.
This information is provided on request in a format accessible to the disabled.
II.-Prior to the conclusion of a contract, providers of publicly available electronic communications services shall communicate to consumers, in a concise and easily accessible form, a contractual document summarising the main items of information referred to in I. This document shall be presented in accordance with the model contractual summary annexed to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2243 of 17 December 2019.
Suppliers shall complete this template with the information mentioned above. They shall communicate this summary document to the consumer free of charge before the conclusion of the contract, including distance contracts. Where, for objective technical reasons, suppliers are unable to communicate this summary document at the time specified, they shall communicate it to the consumer as soon as possible and without delay. The contract takes effect when the consumer has confirmed his agreement after receiving the contractual summary. These provisions are without prejudice to the provisions relating to distance and off-premises contracts in Chapter I of Title II of Book II of this Code.
III.-The information communicated under I and II of this article becomes an integral part of the contract and is not modified, unless the parties to the contract expressly decide otherwise.