For the purposes of the third paragraph of I of article L. 141-7, the main provisions of the group insurance contract are as follows:
1° The definition of the cover offered ;
2° The term of the contract;
3° The premium payment terms;
4° Charges and indemnities of any kind levied by the insurance company, with the exception of charges which may be borne by a unit of account;
5° The guaranteed interest rate and the duration of this guarantee, the fidelity guarantees and the methods for calculating and allocating the profit share;
6° The list of unit-linked products, except where the modification is authorised or provided for in the contract;
7° The conditions under which the list of unit-linked products may change;
8° The procedures for surrendering, transferring or paying policy benefits;
9° The option to take out loans granted by the insurance company.
The General Meeting may delegate to the Board of Directors, by one or more resolutions and for a period which may not exceed eighteen months, the power to sign one or more amendments, the purpose of which is defined in the resolution, relating to non-essential provisions of the group insurance contract. The Board of Directors exercises this power within the limits of the delegation granted by the General Meeting. In the event of the signature of one or more endorsements, it shall report to the next General Meeting.