Article R141-1 of the French Insurance Code
This chapter applies to the associations mentioned in article L. 141-7.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Insurance Code | Regulatory part | Book I: Contracts. | Title IV: Group insurance | Chapter I: General provisions relating to group insurance | Section I: Subscribing associations.
This chapter applies to the associations mentioned in article L. 141-7.
In order to exercise their voting rights at the General Meeting, members may give a proxy to another member, to their spouse or, if permitted by the Articles of Association, to a third party. Each member has one vote. Proxies may pass on the powers conferred on them to other proxies or members. The Association’s Articles of Association specify the number of proxies that any one member may hold, up…
The Articles of Association may allow members to vote by post.
The General Meeting is convened by the Chairman of the Board of Directors at least once a year. The Chairman of the Board of Directors convenes an Extraordinary General Meeting in the cases provided for in the Articles of Association, or at the request of a minimum percentage of members determined by the Articles of Association, which percentage may not exceed 10%. The General Meeting may only validly deliberate if…
The Board of Directors is required to put to the vote of the General Meeting the draft resolutions which have been communicated to it at least sixty days before the date set for the General Meeting by at least one tenth of the members, or by one hundred members if the tenth is greater than one hundred. The Articles of Association specify the procedures for individual notice of general meetings:…
For the purposes of the third paragraph of I of article L. 141-7, the main provisions of the group insurance contract are as follows: 1° The definition of the cover offered ; 2° The term of the contract; 3° The premium payment terms; 4° Charges and indemnities of any kind levied by the insurance company, with the exception of charges which may be borne by a unit of account; 5°…
The association’s articles of association specify the procedures for obtaining or consulting the minutes of the general meeting.
Associations are represented by a Chairman elected by their Board of Directors, under the conditions defined by the Articles of Association. The members of this board are elected by the general meeting of members.
The duties of a member of the Board of Directors are free of charge. However, if the Articles of Association so provide, the Board of Directors may decide to allocate, within the limits set by the General Meeting, compensation and benefits in respect of Board membership to its directors. The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall inform the General Meeting each year of the amount of compensation and benefits…
The Association’s General Meeting adopts the rules of professional conduct to which the members of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee and the Association’s salaried staff are bound, as well as, where applicable, the members of the supervisory committees of the retirement savings plans subscribed by the Association. The purpose of the rules of professional conduct is to prevent and resolve conflicts of interest. They specify the information that…
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