Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, the obligation to insure does not apply to compensation for :
1° Damage suffered :
a) by the person driving the vehicle ;
b) (repealed) ;
c) (repealed) ;
d) by an employee or a person working for an employer, as a result of an accident at work. However, this exclusion does not include cover for additional compensation, as provided for in Article L. 455-1-1 of the Social Security Code, for losses resulting from an accident as defined in Article L. 411-1 of the same Code, suffered by an employee or a person working for an employer who is the victim of an accident involving a land motor vehicle driven by that employer, one of his employees or a person belonging to the same company as the victim, and occurring on a road open to public traffic;
2° (repealed) ;
3° Damage or aggravation of damage caused by weapons or devices intended to explode by modification of the structure of the nucleus of the atom or by any nuclear fuel, radioactive product or waste or by any other source of ionising radiation and for which the operator of a nuclear installation is exclusively liable;
4° Damage to buildings, objects or animals rented or entrusted to the driver in any capacity whatsoever;
5° Damage caused to goods and objects transported, with the exception of damage to the clothing of persons transported, where this is the result of an accident involving bodily injury.