The decisions of the Commission du contentieux du stationnement payant begin with the words: “In the name of the French people” and bear the following wording: “La commission du contentieux du stationnement payant”.
The decisions of the commission shall state the reasons on which they are based.
They shall contain the surname and first names of the claimant, a statement of the subject of the claim and the legal and factual circumstances invoked in writing in support of it and, if applicable, a mention of the written observations of the defendant.
A mention shall be made therein that the rapporteur and, if applicable, the claimant, his representative and the representative of the defendant, as well as any person heard by decision of the magistrate pursuant to the second paragraph of Article R. 2333-120-52, have been heard.
The decision shall state the date on which it was handed down and, where applicable, the date of the public hearing.
Decisions shall bear the following executory formula: “The Republic directs and orders the competent State representative(s) insofar as it (they) are concerned or any bailiff(s) required insofar as the ordinary law remedies against private parties are concerned, to provide for the enforcement of this decision.”
Decisions in cases that have given rise to a hearing are made public by posting them at the court’s headquarters.