Article R2333-120-29 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
The provisions of this sub-paragraph shall apply on pain of inadmissibility of the application.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Regulatory part | PART TWO: THE MUNICIPALITY | BOOK III: MUNICIPAL FINANCES | TITLE III: REVENUE | CHAPTER III : Taxes, fees or payments not provided for in the General Tax Code | Section 12: On-street vehicle parking charges | Subsection 8: The Pay Parking Disputes Commission | Paragraph 2: Electronic communication and examination of appeals
The provisions of this sub-paragraph shall apply on pain of inadmissibility of the application.
The matter is referred to the commission by petition. The petition must be submitted on a form, the model of which is laid down by order of the vice-president of the Conseil d’Etat. It must contain all the information requested in the relevant sections of the petition form. It must be drawn up in the French language. The application and, where applicable, the pleadings, shall be signed either by the…
I. – In the event of a challenge to the decision made following the mandatory prior administrative appeal, the request must be accompanied by: 1° A copy of the payment notice for the post-parking charge; 2° A copy of the compulsory prior administrative appeal lodged with the commune, the public establishment for inter-communal cooperation, the mixed syndicate or the third-party contractor to which the sworn agent who drew up the…
The application shall be lodged with or sent by post to the Commission’s registry. It may be sent electronically under the conditions set out in articles R. 2333-120-32 bis to R. 2333-120-32 quater, paragraph 1. It may also be sent by fax, reception of which is ensured by a technical device synchronised with a time server whose time is certified. The fax is regularised no later than fifteen days after…
Electronic communication with the Commission du contentieux du stationnement payant (Pay Parking Litigation Commission) may take place, under conditions set by joint order of the Minister of Justice and the Minister of the Interior: 1° Either by means of a portal accessible via the Internet to the applicant, the municipality, the public establishment for inter-municipal cooperation, the competent mixed syndicate, or their agents; or 2° Or by means of a…
When the request is submitted on the portal, the request form is completed online and the mandatory attachments mentioned in article R. 2333-120-31 are downloaded in the order shown on the form. The other attachments are presented separately in accordance with the inventory drawn up of them.
When the request is presented by a lawyer or an advocate at the Conseil d’Etat and the Cour de cassation, it must, on pain of inadmissibility, be sent to the Commission du contentieux du stationnement payant by electronic means. The same obligation applies to their briefs. The municipality of more than 3,500 inhabitants, the public establishment for inter-municipal cooperation, the competent mixed syndicate, or their agents must also send their…
The parties or their representatives who use electronic means must send all their briefs and documents by the same means, failing which their submissions will be excluded from the debates if they are not rectified within a time limit set by the commission.
The identification of the author of the request or of the party sending a brief or exhibits, in accordance with the procedures laid down by the order mentioned in Article R. 2333-120-32 bis, is valid as a signature for the application of the provisions of this sub-section. However, where the application or the pleading has not been the subject of an electronic signature within the meaning of the second paragraph…
Where the original of a document communicated by electronic means has been drawn up on paper, the president of the bench or the magistrate in charge of the investigation may order its production at any time and, at the latest, at the hearing. If production is requested at the hearing, the interested party shall be notified in advance. .
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