In each administrative subdivision, the representatives of the communes are elected by an electoral college made up of the mayors and deputy mayors and, where applicable, the deputy mayors mentioned in articles L. 2113-15 and L. 2113-19 applicable in French Polynesia.
The voting procedures are specified by order of the High Commissioner.
The election takes place by proportional representation with complementary distribution according to the rule of the largest remainder, without panachage or preferential vote.
The list of candidates must include as many names of titular representatives and substitutes as there are seats to be filled, specifying for each of them whether they are titular or substitute candidates.
On each list, the seats are allocated to the candidates according to the order of presentation.
However, in the administrative subdivisions that elect only one titular representative and one substitute, the election takes place by majority vote in two rounds. In the first round, the candidate who obtains an absolute majority of the votes cast, corresponding to at least one quarter of the registered voters, is elected.
The presidents of public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation and their representatives are appointed by the representatives of the municipalities mentioned in 4° of article R. 2573-37 at the first committee meeting following the election of the representatives of the communes.