The Local Finance Committee of French Polynesia deliberates validly when fifteen members with voting rights are present.
If, after the first notice, the Committee has not met in sufficient number, a new notice is issued and the Committee meets fifteen days after the date set for the first meeting, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays not included. At this second meeting, the deliberations are valid regardless of the number of members present.
Decisions are taken by a majority of the members present. In the event of a tie, the decision is taken by a majority of the votes cast by the representatives of the communes alone. In the event of a tie in the votes cast by the representatives of the communes alone, the High Commissioner shall have the casting vote.
The minutes of each meeting of the Local Finance Committee shall be signed by the chairmen or their representatives or deputy by any means that comply with the regulations in force. If one of the chairmen or their representatives or deputy is absent from a committee meeting, the minutes of the meeting are signed only by the chairman or chairmen present, represented or deputised at the meeting.
The committee may set up working groups from among its members to prepare the examination of the dossiers it studies.
The committee adopts rules of procedure that specify the terms of its operation and the conditions for the allocation of funding defined by article R. 2573-46 and the territorial allocation for investment by municipalities mentioned in articles R. 2573-58-1 and R. 2573-58-2.
The decisions are published in the Official Journal of French Polynesia by the High Commissioner.
The secretariat of the Local Finance Committee is provided by the State department designated by the High Commissioner. The secretariat prepares the committee’s meetings and ensures their follow-up. In particular, it is responsible for implementing the decisions taken by the committee.