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Article L5522-26 of the French Labour Code

Young people who are receiving or have received aid for the young people’s initiative project under this sub-section may also receive aid for setting up or taking over a business as provided for in Title IV of Book I of this Part.

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Article L5522-27 of the French Labour Code

A decree of the Conseil d’Etat shall determine the conditions for the application of this sub-section, in particular those for the payment, suspension or cancellation of the aid, as well as those relating to the non-cumulation of this aid with other public aid.

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Article L5522-28 of the French Labour Code

Fraudulently benefiting or attempting to benefit from aid for the initiative-jeune project, in disregard of the provisions of articles L. 5522-22 to L. 5522-25, is punishable by the penalties set out in articles 313-1 to 313-3 of the French Penal Code.

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Article L5523-1 of the French Labour Code

With the exception of the provisions of the second paragraph of article L. 5221-7, the provisions of Title II of Book II relating to foreign workers are applicable in Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Mayotte and La Réunion.

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Article L5523-2 of the French Labour Code

The work permit granted to the foreign national is limited to the département or local authority in which it was issued in the case of: 1° A temporary residence permit bearing the wording “private and family life” provided for in articles L. 423-1, L. 423-7, L. 423-13, L. 423-14, L. 423-15, L. 423-21, L. 423-22, L. 423-23, L. 425-9, L. 426-5, L. 426-12 or L. 426-13 du code de l’entrée…

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Article L5523-3 of the French Labour Code

The work permit granted to the foreign national entitles him/her to carry out any salaried professional activity of his/her choice within the territory of the département or local authority, in accordance with the legislation in force.

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Article L5523-6 of the French Labour Code

Foreign nationals who enter Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon in order to work there for a period of less than or equal to three months in a field included on the list set by the decree adopted for the application of article L. 5221-2-1 are not subject to the condition of holding the work permit mentioned in article L. 8323-2.

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